MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS 199 = (r — 1)(2 po-tole g 3 r"—l) =1 =1 =({r—-1)(r+1) > r? k=1 = (2= 1) 3 k=1 If » = 1, in which case we do not have the middle terms, d+d =@ —1)1 +7) =7 1=(2-1)3 r, k=1 since, when n = 1, »* = 7 and ol n YAl =3l = g0 = 1 k=1 k=1 Thus, whether » > 1 or n = 1, d+d =r—-1)2Yrr1=(>(r—-1)3 m* k=1 k=1 Hence we have the theorem: Th. Ifr,m,d, and d’ areasin § 482, then d + d’ is equal to 7?2 — 1 times a number of m — 1 digits, all of which are I's. 485. As a consequence of the rules of §§ 480, 482 for @ — o’ and d + d’ we have the following rule: Th. Given a number of m (two or more) digits written in a notation whose radix 1is r, the first digit being greater than the last; if 1st, we interchange the first and last digits, 2d, subtract the resulting number from the given number. 3d, interchange the first and last digits of the difference, regarding it as also a number of m digits, 4th, add the resulting number to the difference;