198 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC Reversing the order of the terms in the second parenthesis, d+d = (r — 1)(1-7’" 4+ 3 2y~ L 1) k=2 =@ =142 142240 42224 2-741) =(r—1)(1222---1) Thus we have the theorem: Th. Ifr,m,d,and d areasin § 482 and r > 2, then d + d’ is equal to (r — 1) times a number of m digits of which the first and last are 1's and the others, if there are any, are 2’s. 484. The result obtaind in § 482, that B R e T e = > Aot 2 = == e I T e R = = d+d = (r— 1)(1 + 2 fi: rk=1 4 1-7"), k=2 DI we can put in another form, which we will be able to descnbe in words without using cases. If » > 1, in which case we have the middle terms, & S b ot T v n n—1 since 3 Rt Rk k=2 zzrk-l_zrk 1+Zrk k=2 1 -‘ 3 g 1 t ! { A { i i n n—1 Henced 4+ d' = (r — 1)(1 + X4 Tt ,n) k=2 k=1 =(r—1) érk—l-l—érk) O G