i e =y e R T i o e o SE i AL 1 R i ;i'iq. i .Ji : | .r“_; i i-‘ it 190 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC tru, that is, that N=14+1r+1724 -« 4+ 171 4 (r — (I 4+ 1))7? + (r — 1)’:—2::(7—/3—2)7’0 where 1 = I =7r — 4. Then (r — G+ )P F @ — 1) rf b b ) e U DD -1 Y =k — ) = (= (4 D)+ (= (43 + (+ 27! ) (r—Fk—2)r . =1+1 +o-1) = (r—0U+1))r'4+@2— @+ 3)r)r 4+ (14 2)r ST G ke k=1+1 U = 1) S =k = D k=1+1 r—3 =1+ @ —-0C+2))rt+(r—1) > (r —k— 2)r* k=1+1 Hence N=1+41r41224 - 411 p 1l (r — (I 4 2))riH r—3 sefr=1) 3. (r—Fk— 2%, k=141 which is the same as the given form with / 4+ 1 in place of /. Hence, if any statement of the set except the last is tru, the next is tru. Therfor they are all tru,