MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS 189 is a number consisting of r — 1 ones, or r—3 [Z k-r"’“”—l—(r—])](r—l) =111---111 (r— 1 ones, radix r) k=1 r—3 To prove this theorem let N = [ 2 kerF 24 (r—1) ](r— 1) k=1 r—3 The terms of > k-7"~*=2 are r — 3 in number. k=1 Hence the kth term from the beginning is the (r — 3) — k + 1th, or » — k — 2th, term from the end. Of course the sum is unalterd by reversing the order of the terms, that is, by replacing 2 by » — & — 2. Thus N=[T§_‘,3(r—k—2)r’“—|—(r—1)](1'—1) G ECoD PG r—3 Hence N=14+ (@ —-2)r+ @ —1) > (r — k — 2)r* k=1 This statement is a special case of the statement N=14+1r+1r24 -« + 14 (r — (I + 1)) r—3 etk W~ =0 k=1 where 1 = ] = » — 3, the case when / = 1. We will prove that all the statements obtaind from this form by giving / the integral values from 1 to r — 3 inclusiv are tru. We have seen that the statement obtaind by putting / = 1 is tru. Suppose that any one of these statements except the last is ¥ i i :« t 3 | b @ i % | & | y @ il {4 i ! i i li i i R e e b S