174 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC 439. If @, b, and m are integers and m —= 0, then, since ab — cd = (e + f)m, ab —cd>m Hence ab = cd (mod m) Th. That is, if the base is a non-zero integer, the product of two integers is congruent to the product of their complements with respect to the base as a modulus. 440. If a, b, and # are integers, so are e and f. Hence, since ab — ef = [n + (e + f) In, if n—=0, ab = ef (mod n) Th. That is, if half the base is a non-zero integer, the product of two integers is congruent to the product of their excesses over that half base with respect to the half base as a modulus. 441. Th. a + b= m according as ¢ + d=m and acc. as e + f = 0 ‘¢ ‘“ -_— ‘“ ‘ ‘6 — a+b=2m c+d=0 e+ f=m Forc+d=2m — (a+b)ande+f=(a+b) —m 442. Th. Hence m nand b = n, ora=nand b >n,ora >nand b > n, thena 4+ b > m.