166 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC But alld Hence x>h Then there exists an integer 7, such that x = #nb. Hence, since by = — ax = — anb, y = — na. So that (x, ¥) = (nb, — na) For the converse it is easily seen by substitution that for every value of n (#nb, — na) is a solution. Example. The solutions of 3x — 7y = 0 are of the form (= 7n, — 3n) or of the form (7m, 3m). 416. It may be worth our while to solve one or two examples without using the general principles that we have derived. Example 1. 17x + 43y = 60 Of the two coefficients 17 and 43 we choose the numerically smallest as a modulus. We have, if (x, y) is a solution, 60 — 43y > 17 Hence 60 = 43y (mod 17) But 60 = — 8 (mod 17) and 43 = — 8 (mod 17) Hence — 8 = — 8y (mod 17) But 8 ]| 17. Therfor y =1 (mod 17) § 281. Therfory — 1 =17nand y = 17n + 1 Hence 17x =60 —43y=60—43X17n —43=17—-43 X 17n Therfor x=1—43n Thus our complete solution is (1 — 43n, 1 4+ 17#) For 1 — 43n to be positiv, # must be less than 1/43 For 1 4+ 177 to be positiv, » must be greater than — 1/17 For both x and y to be positiv, # must be 0. The only positiv solution is (1, 1) Example 2. 15 — 22y = 41 Choosing the numerically smallest coefficient 15 as a modulus, 22y 4+ 41 > 15 22y = — 41 (mod 15) 22 = 7 (mod 15) — 41 = 4 (mod 15) 7y = 4 (mod 15) 7y — 4 = 15m