162 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC 403. Def. Dividing by any such common factor, we get an equivalent equation, one equation being called equivalent to a second when their solutions are the same. Thus 2x 4 6y = 8 is equivalent to x 4+ 3y = 4. 404. Dividing by the greatest common factor of ¢ and b, the new coefficients of x and y will be prime to each other. § 235. So we need to consider only the equation ax + by = ¢ in which a, b, ¢ are integers, a == 0, b—= 0, and « || . From this point on we will therfor assume that these con- ditions are satisfied. 405. Th. One solution of the equation can always be found, namely (lc, mc), where I and m are two integers such that al + bm = 1. § 246. For a(lc) + b(mc) = (al + bm)c = c. Example. 49x + 19y = 900 Here ¢ = 49, b = 19, ¢ = 900. To find a pair of values of / and m such that al + bm = 1 we proceed as in § 241. 7X49 + (—18) X 19 = 1 Wefind 49X 7+19 X (—18) =1 l=T7 m= —18 lc = 6300, mc = — 16200 Hence (6300, — 16200) is a solution of the given equation. 406. Th. If (x, y) and (x1, vi) are two solutions, then x = x1 (mod b), y = y1 (mod a), and an integer n can be found, such that x = x, + nb and y = y, — na.