156 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC We may also put the rule in the following form : a = . WS 12 Y aF+6 Y a k=0 (mod 6) k=1 (mod 6) k=2 (mod 6) k=3 (mod 6) + 4 Z a+ 5 Z ay, k=4 (mod 6) k=5 (mod 6) This form comes from the preceding, using the facts that —1=6,—3=4,and — 2 =5 (mod 7). The rule in this form may also be proved from §§ 102, 107, since 10 =3, 102=2, 103=6, 10t =4, 10°= 5, 10° = 1 (mod 7). 391. Before applying the preceding rule it is usually best to change the given number, if necessary, to a form in which its digits are all positiv or zero, or all negativ or zero, and then to apply the rule of § 382, which reduces the given number to a number of not more than three figures. ‘For such a number the rule of § 390 becomes the following : Th. 1In the decimal system, for a number of not more than three figures, a = a4+ 3a, + 2a; (mod 7) Thus we saw (§ 382) that 367,421,936 = 882 (mod 7) By the present rule 882 =2 4+ 3 X 8 +2 X 8 = 42 =243X4=14=44+3X1=7 But 7 =0 (mod 7) Hence 367,421,936 = 0 (mod 7) Therfor 367,421,936 > 7 The present rule is bound to produce, as in this example, by repeated application, a one-figure number, if the given number is not such a number, but has all its digits positiv or zero, or negativ or zero. For |ao| + 10|as| + 100|az| > |ao| + 3|a1| + 2]as], if as and a; are not both zero. 392. Th. In the decimal system, if the modulus is 13, a= ( 2 =i ak> —3( o X ak) k=0 (mod 6) k=3 (mod 6) k=1 (mod 6) k=4 (mod 6) —4( Ry ak) k=2 (mod 6) k=5 (mod 6)