148 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC 366. Th. If the modulus is r™ + 1, e e R Xk k=0 (mod 2) k=1 (mod 2) or a =Y p,(keven) — 3 pr (kodd) or a=potpetpst-)—(r+pst+pst---) In words: If the modulus is ™ + 1, any number is congruent to the difference of the sums of its two sets of alternate m-figure periods, the minuend containing the period that contains the units digit. For example, 231,573,024 = (24 + 231) — 573 (mod r™ + 1) m—1 367. Th. a = > [( o ar — -3 a;\.) rl] =0 k=l (mod 2m) k=l4+m (mod 2m) (mod r™ + 1) For Po=a+ ar+ - + auar™? § 313 P2 =l ons + QA2m1? + g _|_ agm_lrm—l o - Qi+ Ginia? + - + Bt l Adding columnwise, pot 2t pit - = (@0 + on+ aim+ ) + (al + a’2m—|—l + aw.lm—fi\—l + A )7’ + i + (am—-l —I— A3m—1 + Csm—1 + .- )rm~1 = Z ak+ ( Z ak> 7_|_ TR +( Z a//r) pym—1 k=m—1 (mod 2m) k=0 (mod 2m) k=1 (mod 2m) m—1 =0 k=l (mod 2m) m—1 Similarly p1 +ps+ s+ - -+ = 2 [( >3 (Zk) rl] k=l+m (mod 2m) =0