144 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC 354. Th. If the modulus is v* — 1, any number, all of whose digits except two consecutiv digits are zeros, is congruent to the number obtaind by interchanging these two digits and dropping or annexing a zero. For example, 240000 = 42000 = 2400 = 420 = 24 (mod 72 — 1) (10)00 = (01)0 (mod 72 — 1) 355. Th. If the modulus is r* — 1, a = ( ak) r + el k=1 (mod 2) k=0 (mod 2) ; or a= (2ar(kodd))r + > ai(k even) or a=(@+as+a+ - )r+(@+at+ar+---) In words: If the modulus is > — 1, any number is congruent to the number got by adding to the units digit all the digits that are alternate to it and. to the digit mext to the units digit those alternate to it. Thus, 23,32,43 = 98 (mod 72 — 1) 1,21,22,35 = 79 (mod 72 — 1) It may assist in this work to join the alternate digits by loops as below: 21,32.34 = 87 (mod #* — 1) 356. Th. By means of § 355 any number whose digits are all positiv or zero, or all negativ or zero, and which has more than two digits may be reduced to a number of not more than two digits with respect to the modulus r*> — 1. Thus, if the radix is ¥ and modulus 99, 36,25,47,89 = 1,97 = 98 27,36,87,49 =199 =1,00 =1 If the radix is 2 and modulus 3, 10,11,11,01 = 10,01 = 11