CONGRUENCE 139 338. Th. If the modulus is r™ — 1, any number, all of whose digits except m consecutiv digits are zeros, is congruent to the number obtaind by transposing the first q of the m digits over the others (which is equivalent to transposing the last m — q over the others or interchanging the first q with the last m — q), keeping the cyclic order of the digits unchanged, and omitting q zeros or annexing m — ¢ 2eros. This follows immediately from § 337. For example, 539780000 = 9785300 = 978530000000 (mod 7* — 1) 339. Th. If the modulus is r™ — 1, any number, all of whose digits except m consecutiv digits are zeros, is congruent to the number obtaind by transposing the first q of the m digits over the others, keeping the cyclic order unchanged, and omitting a set of seros whose number is congruent to q (mod m) or annexing a set of zeros whose number is congruent to m — ¢ (mod m). Let a be the given number, b the number represented by the m digits, n the number of zeros following the m digits, b’ the number obtaind from b by transposing the ¢ digits, y the number of zeros omitted. Then @ = b-10" and - 10"—¢ is the number obtaind from a by transposing the first g of the m digits and omitting g zeros. Hence a="b-10"1 (mod r» — 1) § 338. But by hypothesis vy = ¢ (mod m) Hence n —1vy =mn — ¢ (mod m) Then, since 10™ = 1 (mod ™ — 1), b'-10"v = b’-10" (mod r™ — 1) §§ 304, 213. Therfor a=0b-10"¥ (mod r™ — 1) Again let z be the number of zeros annext. Then by hypothesis z = m — ¢ = — ¢ (mod m) Hence n + 2z =n — ¢q (mod m) § 205. Therfor b 10m+z = b’-102 (mod r™ — 1) §§ 304, 213. I For example, (203)0000 = (320)00 = (320)00000000 (mod 7* — 1) (045)000 = (504)0 = (504)0000 (mod 7* — 1)