CONGRUENCE 125 successiv periods of m each, the periods beginning with the results of multiplying the multiples of m by a, that is, beginning with the multiples of am, and the products in each period, taken in order, being respectivly congruent (mod m) to some arrangement of the numbers 0, 1, 2, «++, m — 1, the first product in each period being congruent to 0. For the natural series of integers may be divided into suc- cessiv periods of m each, the periods beginning with the multiples of m and such that, if b, ¢, d, - - -, k are the numbers in any period, these are congruent respectivly to 0, 1, 2, -- -, m — 1. § 289. Hence ba, ca, da, - -+, ka are congruent respectivly to Oa, 1a, 2a, -+, (m — 1)a, § 212. the first of which is congruent to 0 and the others respectivly to some arrangement of the numbers 1,2, vos, ni—¥, § 298. 300. Th. Ifall m > 1, if any set of m successiv integers are multiplied by a, the results taken in order will be respectivly congruent (mod m) to some arrangement of the numbers 0, 1, 2, «eo.m — 1, the result of multiplying the multiple of m in the set being congruent to 0. For any set of m successiv integers are congruent in order to some arrangement of the integers 0,1,2, «vs,m=1 § 294. Hence the results of multiplying the integers in the given set by a will be respectivly congruent to the corresponding arrangement of Oa, 1a, 2a, +++, (m — 1)a, § 212. the first of which is congruent to 0 and the others respectivly to some arrangement of the numbers 1,2, «er, =8, § 298.