122 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC 1, 2, ---, the last in the set, » 4 [m| — 1, being evidently congruent to # — 1, the integer before this to » — 2. The integers preceding the integer that equals |m| are rvr+1,r4+2, -4, |m| — 1. Hence the set rr+1,r+2,--c,r4+ |m|l —2,7r+ |m| —1 are congruent respectivly to Lrh L rb2 el —1,0,1,2 0,70 ~27—1, which are a cyclical arrangement of the integers 0,1,2, «+, |m| — 1. For example, with respect to the modulus 7, -3 =2,=10,1,2,3 are congruent to g .9:60.1.2 3 295. Th. Awny group of |m| successiv integers are congruent, in order, with respect to the modulus m, to some cyclical arrange- ment of the set of |m| integers obtaind from the set 0,1,2,3,++, |m| — 3, |m| — 2, |m| —1 by replacing any or all of them by the corresponding integers of the set 0’ _(lml s ])y _(lml —2)7 _('m} o 3)’ RIS 31 = 2; e For, if 7 is the positiv remainder obtaind by approximately dividing a given integer by m, and s the corresponding negativ remainder, s = — (|m| — 7). § 79. 296. Th. In particular, any group of |m| successiv integers are congruent, in order, with respect to the modulus m, to the integers —a, —(a—1), —(a—2), +--, _37 _21 _1)07 ]7273y FAFET lm| —a — 2, |m| —a — 1, where a is some integer either zero or positiv and less than |m|.