CONGRUENCE 121 Since a = 7, these successors are congruent respectivly to r+1,r42, -, v+ (Im| —2), 7+ (|m| —1) § 204, For example, let m = 6. The set of 6 successiv integers 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 are congruent respectivly to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 203. Def. A cyclical arrangement of any set of things, given in a certain order, as, for example, the letters a, b, ¢, d, e, f, is an arrangement obtaind by dividing the set into two parts at any place and then interchanging the two parts, keeping the order of the things in each part unchanged. Thus b, ¢, d, e, f, aand e, f, a, b, ¢, d are cyclical arrangements of the above set of letters. The original set unchanged is also said to be a cyclical arrangement of itself. 204. Th. If m is any given modulus, any set of |m| successiv integers are congruent in order to some cyclical arrangement of the integers 0,1,2,3,++, |m| — L By the preceding theorem our set of integers are congruent respectivly to rnr+1,7+2, -, v+ (lm| —2),r+ (|m| — 1), where 7 is positiv or zero and numerically less than m. If » = 0, this set of integers is the same as 07 1; 27“'! Iml _29 Iml ) and our theorem is proved. Ifr>0 |m|