120 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC The first integers in the successiv groups will be the various multiples of , «*, — 3m, — 2m, — m, 0, m, 2m, 3m, - - -, if m is positiv, e+, 3m,2m,m,0, —m, — 2m, — 3m, - - -, if m is negativ. If gm is any of these multiples, the group of which it is the first integer will be qm,gm+1,gm+2,gm+3,--',qm—l—(]m[ _1) These integers are, in each case, evidently congruent re- spectivly to 0, 1, 2, 3, - -+, |m| — 1. § 199. Thus, if 4 is the modulus, the integers _41 —'3; _2v _1)0’ 1y2’3y415)6y7 are congruent respectivly to Ry a1,2.3 290. Th. If we replace each integer in the natural series by that integer of the set 0, 1, 2, 3, -+, |m| — 1 to which it is congruent with respect to the modulus m, this set of numbers will be repeated in this order periodically. 291. Def. On this account the principle of § 290 is called the principle of the periodicity of the integers with respect to a given modulus. 292. Th. If m is any modulus and we have given any set of |m| successiv integers, then there exists some positiv or zero integer r, numerically less than m, such that the given set of integers are congruent respectivly to the numbers r,r 4+ 1, r + 2, e sy £ e bl =) e ] — 1) Let a be the first integer in the given set. Then 7 is the positiv or zero remainder got by dividing a by m, using ordinary division. §§ 202, 78. The successors of a in the given set are a‘+1)a+2) "'ya+(lml —2),a—{—(|m| _1)