CONGRUENCE 119 PERIODICITY WITH RESPECT TO A MODULUS 285. Th. With respect to any modulus m every integer 1s congruent to one of the integers 0, 1, 2, 3, « -+, |m| — 1. This follows immediately from §§ 202, 80, since every in- teger when divided by the modulus leaves a positiv or zero remainder numerically less than the divisor, if the quotient is exact or is a lower approximate one. 286. Th. No two of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, «++, |m| — 1 are congruent to each other with respect to the modulus m. For let £ and ! be two of these numbers. Then k—= I, 0=k < |m| and lm| >1=0 By subtraction — |m|