114 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE 270. Th. If a positiv integer m is a common multiple of a set of integers and every positiv common multiple of these integers is @ multiple of m, then m 1is the least common multiple of these integers. Let n be any positiv common multiple of the given integers. Then by the hypothesis n > m. Hence n = gm, where ¢ is positiv. That is, all the common multiples are in the series m, 2m, 3m, - Now,if 1 < ¢, 1-m < g-m,orm < gm Thus that one of the positiv common multiples for which g = 1, namely m itself, is less than any positiv common mul- tiple for which ¢ > 1, that is, less than any other positiv common multiple. Therfor m is the least common multiple. 271. Th. a—-=0~b-=0Da X b= |ab| : (a(XRDd) Since neither a nor b is zero, |ab| is positiv. Hence |ab| : (a X b) is positiv. Moreover |ab| : (e D) = |a|(|b] : (a R b)) = (la] : (e X)) 5] Therfor |ab| : (e ®b) is a positiv common multiple of la| and |b|, and hence of @ and b. Moreover every positiv common multiple of @ and b is a multiple of |ab| : (¢ X b) §§ 269, 70. Therfor |ab| : (e X b) is the least common multiple of a and b. § 270. Ex.1. 6X8=(6X8):(6R8) = (6X8) :2=24 Ex. 2. Find the least common multiple of 24 and 40. Ex. 3. Find 212 X 316. Ex. 4. Find 251 X 353. 272. Th. n>2>a~n>3>b>Dn>>a X by and conversely. In words: Any common multiple of two integers is a multiple of their least common multiple; and conversely, any multiple of