CONGRUENCE 109 By the hypothesis g, where 0 < & < =+ 1, is the exact or lower approximate quotient obtaind by dividing 7;_, by 7;_;. For example, ¢, is the exact or lower approximate quotient obtaind by dividing 7_; by 7, that is, a by b. Hence, if ¢ <5, ¢ = 0; if a=0b ¢qg=1;if a > b and a > b, ¢ is positiv, since the exact quotient of two positiv numbers is positiv; if @ > b and a —>% b, ¢1 is positiv by § 83. Thus g; is positiv when £ = 1, except when ¢ < b, in which case it is zero. There remains to be discussed the case when 1 , f0 7, is tru if 1 > 7,4, since the exact quotient of two positiv numbers is positiv, and gr 1s positiv if 7,_s —>> 74 by § 83. - Therfor ¢ is positivif 1 < B < + 1. Hence ¢ is positiv in all cases except when 2 =1 and a < b, in which case it is zero. Now consider s;. We have Sa=1 So = 0 S1 =Sa4+q@gso=14+0=1 52=So+9281=0+42=92 Hence, since g, is positiv, s; and s, are positiv. Therfor the first two numbers in the series 81539, Sty -, 8 are positiv,