106 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC 251. Th. If la + mb = 1, each of the integers I, a is prime to each of the integers m, b. Since la +mb = 1,la = 1 + —(mb) But 1 4+ — (mb) 11 — (mbd) § 198. Hence la 1| — (mb) And la || mb § 159. Therfor the conclusion of the theorem follows by § 633, Elements of the Theory of Integers. The theorem is also easily proved by showing from the hypothesis that any common factor of either / or @ and either m or b is a factor of 1. 252. Th. In the series of I's and m's given in § 239 each I, except the last, is prime to its follower, each m, except the last, to its follower, and each 1 to the corresponding m. This follows from §§ 244, 251. 253. Th. Ifla + mb =a XD, thenl ]| m. By the hypothesis I[a : (e R b)] + m[b: (e R )] =1 The theorem then follows from § 251. This theorem may be stated: In whatever way a R b is ex- prest in the form la + mb, | and m are prime to each other. For example, 1 X 154 (— 1) X 12 =15 12 =3 and (—11) X 15 + 14 X 12 = 3 Here 1 ]| — 1 and — 11 ]| 14. 254. The theorem of § 239 can be put in another form as follows: Th. Having given two integers a and b, of which b —= 0, if 71 15 any of the numbers 71, To, 71, 72y 73, ** %4 T of § 226 and gy, where 0 < k < n + 1, is the guotwnt used in dwzdmg 7r—2 by 7r—1, and we set Sq1 = 1 t_1 — 0 So = 0 Ty = 1 Sk = Sp—2 + QrSk—1 bk = tr—2 + Qulr—1; then for all values of k from — 1ton = (= D*(swe — #:b),