102 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC The ! in any row after the first two is got by multiplying the g in the same row by the / in the preceding row and sub- tracting the product from the / in the row before that. Similarly the m in any row after the first two is got by multiplying the ¢ in the same row by the m in the preceding row and subtracting the product from the = in the row before that. Other examples: 1(23) + 1(— 17) = 2(23) + 3(—17) = — 3(23) + 4(— 17) = 17(23) + 23(— 17) = 242. Def. If I;_;, my_ and I, my are any pair of successiv rows of I's and m’s in the tables of § 241, we will let d; stand for their determinant (1), that is, for ly_ym; — Limj_.. () The determinant of the four numbers a; a; b1 bs, written as here in two rows and two columns, is defined as aibs — asgb:. For this determinant the symbol |a; a;| is used. bl b2