CONGRUENCE 97 228. The work will generally be shorter still if we always choose the numerically smallest remainder. For example, compare the following with the work above. 229. If a is positiv or zero and b positiv, we may avoid negativ numbers entirely by always choosing the remainder corresponding to the exact or lower approximate quotient, which is positiv or zero. We have the following theorem. Th. If a is a positiv or zero integer, b a positiv integer, if we find a series of numbers 1, re, 73, * such that, starting with ry, each number in the series a, by i tolsy e is the remainder got by dividing the predecessor of the preceding number by the preceding number, choosing always the exact or lower approximate quotient, then this series will end with a zero remainder, all the other numbers in the series being positiv except a, which is positiv or zero, and a (Q b will be the divisor that gives the zero remainder. Example. 2415 =3