CONGRUENCE . 93 CASTING OUT THE MODULUS 225. When either of the above indicated operations gives zero for the result in any place, we may indicate this by crossing out, or cancelling, the corresponding digit. Thus 234341 = 230301 (mod 4) 569434 = 569030 (mod 4) If the result is not zero, we may similarly cross out the original digit and put the new digit above or below. Thus 734634 = 310230 (mod 4) 3% 2 If 7 is ten, 439628 = 351620 (mod 8) 351 Def. When the original digits are all positiv or zero and the modulus is subtracted, this process may be called casting out the modulus. Other examples: £97809 = 17001 (mod 8), casting out the 8’s, §oi=¢ 396957 = 306057 (mod 9), casting out the 9’s. There are however more elaborate processes, to be described later, of which the above process is a part, which also are called casting out the nines, casting out the elevens, etc. GREATEST COMMON FACTOR 226. Th. Having given two integers a and b, of which b —= 0, if we determin a finite series of numbers 71, 72, 73, * = ° I'n; of which only the last is zero and such that, starting with r1, each number in the series a, b1 71, 72, F3y o vty ¥n