90 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC This can be proved either by definition or from the pre- ceding two theorems and § 188. 207. Th. The sum of the left members of any number of con- gruences is congruent to the sum of the right members. For example,a =b~c=d—~e=fDa+c+e=b+d+f 208. Th. (a=b) =(@—c=b—y) 209. Th. (a=b)=(c—a=c—0) 210. Th. ea=b~c=d>Da—c=b—4d 211. Th. Any algebraic sum of the left members of any num- ber of congruences is congruent to the like algebraic sum of the right members. Forexample,a=b~c=d~e=fDa—c+e=b—d+ f 212. Th. a=bDac=bc Fora—b>3>m>Dac—bc=(a—b)c>m>Dac—bc>m 213. Th. a=b>Dca=cb 214. Th. a=b~c=d>Dac=0bd 215. Th. The product of the left members of any number of congruences is congruent to the product of the right members. For example, a = b ~c =d —~ e = f D ace = bdf 216. Th. [a = b (mod m) ~ c—= 0] = [ac = bc (mod mc) ] 217. Th. a=b(modm) ~m>cDa=>b(modm : c) This follows from § 190, since, if m > ¢ and m —= 0, then 0oL 218. Th. [a=b(modm) ~a>>c~b>c—~m>c Da:c=b:c(modm:c); and conversely a>>c—~b>>c—~m>>c—~a:c=b:c(modm:c) Da = b (mod m) For the direct theorem we have a = d¢, b = ec, m = nc. Hence dc = ec (mod nc) Therfor d = e (mod n) § 216.