CONGRUENCE 87 185. Th. a=b>Db=a Fora —b>m>Db—a>m On account of this theorem we may speak of two integers being congruent to each other. 186. Th. a=b>D —a=—10> Fora=bDa—03m>D —(a—b)3m>D—a—(—b)>m D—a=—5» I 187. Th. a = b (mod m) D a = b (mod — m) 188. Th. a=b~b=cDa=c Fora —b3>m~b—c3>m>D@—0b+bB—c)>m Da—c>m 189. Th. If in a series of integers a, b, ¢, * =, each, except the last, is congruent to its follower, then the first 1s congruent to the last, that is, a = 1. 190. Th. a = b (mod m) ~m > n D a = b (mod n) Fora —b>3>m>nDa—0b>3n 191. Th. a =b (modm) Da=0> (mod m (X n) This follows immediately from the preceding theorem. 102. Th. a=b(modm) ~b=c(modn)Da = c(modmQn) This follows from the preceding theorem and § 188. 193. Th. a>>m~b>3>m>Da = b (modm) In words: If both of two integers are divisible by the modulus, they are congruent. 194. Th. a=b(modm) ~b>m>Da>=>m In words: If two integers are congruent and either is divisible by the modulus, so is the other. Fora —b0b35>m~b>mDa>m 195. Th. a=b(modm) ~m>c~b>cDa>c In words: If two integers are congruent and either is divisible by a factor of the modulus, the other is also divisible by this factor.