80 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC In this case many persons would have a four days vacation at this period, Saturday, Sunday, Old Year’s Day, New Year’s Day. But it would seem bad for business to thus take the first of the month as a holiday. If Leap Year Day were also put at the end of the year, there would at the end of every Leap Year be a chance for a five days vacation, Saturday Dec. 27, Sunday Dec. 28, Old Year’s Day (Dec. 29), Leap Year Day (Dec. 30), and New Year’s Day (Jan. 1).(%) 151. The thirteen months plan seems much preferable to that proposed by the International Association of Acade- mies(?), sometimes called the Swiss Plan, which would make of the 364 days four trimesters, each of three months, the months of each trimester having respectivly 30, 30, 31 days. Their calendar is as follows: Calendar of the International Association of Academies Ist Tri. Jan Feb Mar 2d- - Frr. Apr May June 3d -Tri. July Aug Sep 4th Tri. Oct Nov Dec Mon 18 S D990 b 13720.27 & 115 1825 Tues 259516235530 1514521528 Se=127 1926 Wed 3-10-17"-24 R = Y5- 22529 603 520527 RSl 11825 Praigial6; 2330 7 14 21 28 Fri S-=12 19" 226 Sisel ) 17204 IR 15000 Sat Ost8>00:007 451 S 85295 250011165523 =30 Sun 7 14 21 28 S 2519526 R0 es17 =24 - 31 According to this plan the calendars for the four quarters, or trimesters, of the year would be alike, there would be the (1) See an article by the author in the Brooklyn Beacon, publisht by the students of Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1931, and in the Adelphi College Fortnightly, publisht by the students of Adelphi College, Garden City, N. Y., May 21, 1931. (2) See the New York Herald for Apr. 19, 1914,