SCALES OF NOTATION 79 The Fixed Calendar League, instead of making the extra- calendar day of the year New Year’s Day, followd by the 1st of January, would end the year with this day as an Inter- national Sabbath, following Saturday December 28, perhaps called December 29, beginning the new year with Sunday January 1. 150. As the extra day would very surely be considerd a holiday, it would seem that the question as to whether it should be the last day of the old year or the first day of the new year would be decided by putting this holiday where it would be most needed. Now it seems inevitable that in the future there should be, as now, a great celebration around the midnight hour that ushers in the new year. That being the case, the holiday would seem to be needed for recuperation after this celebration rather than before. This argument would therfor favor putting in the extra day as the first day of the year, called New Year’s Day. The calendar at the change of the year would then be as follows, assuming that the first of every month should come on Monday: Sat. Dec. 27 Old year { Sun. Dec. 28 N { New Year’s Day CW YAt ) Mo Jan. 1 Here many persons would have a three days vacation, Saturday, Sunday, New Year’s Day. If it is thought that still another holiday is needed at this season of the year, then perhaps it would be better to put the extra-calendar day in as the last day of the old year, adding Monday January 1 as another holiday, making the calendar at the change of the year appear as follows: Sat. Dec. 27 Old year 4 Sun. Dec. 28 Old Year’s Day, or International Sabbath New year Mon. Jan. 1, New Year’s Day