e R R A é,‘ 66 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC The most important other fractions exprest in the same scales. --“---- 3333 5555 - 144’9 Iééé 2‘?‘(’7’ COMPARISON OF RADICES 136. If we examin these tables, we see that the only frac- tions of this set represented simply in the nonary scale are 1/3 and 2/3. All the other fractions are represented by non- terminating series of figures. With any odd base the frac- tions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/I0 and their proper multiples would similarly be represented by interminable series. In the decimal notation these fractions, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/10 and their proper multiples, are represented by terminating decimals, but, with the exception of 1/2, not simply. These most useful fractions are, excepting 1/2, represented very awk-