56 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC CHANGE FROM ONE SCALE TO ANOTHER 123. Suppose that a number a is written in one scale and that we wish to change to another. Three methods are available. Let 7 be the radix of the old notation and a,, ay, @s, -+, @n the digits when the number is exprest in this notation. Then a = a7 + @pyr™ 1+ ++« + aor? + a1 + a, = Qn? + @n1)? + Qn2)? + +++ + a2)7 + a)r 4 ao § 101. It is usually an easy matter to express the old radix and the old digits in the new notation. Then by computing in the new notation according to either of the above formulas we will have the number @ exprest in the new notation. For example, to express 4398('f) in the scale whose radix is 7. We have 4398(f) =4 X P*4+3 X Y2 +9X ¥ + 8 = EX P 3 X P+ XY +8 Now: in thescaleof 7,8 = 11,9 = 12, ' = 13. Hence, operating in that scale as follows, Y= 13 Y= 13 42 36 13 12 2= 202 9 XY =156 13 606 202 P3 = 2626