54 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC For working the example above in the sexidenal notation it is convenient while multiplying by () to place the paper under the () row in the multiplication table, while multiply- ing by © to place it under the ® row, and so on. 121. Examples in Division. Short Division. Radix 4 Radix 4 Radix 1) Radix 1) 2)32010 3)31203 2)8¥330 ¥)92T28 13002 10201 45798 044T For working the last example above, in the sexidenal nota- tion, it is convenient to use the multiplication table. Long Division. Radix 2 Radix 4 Radix T8 = 'T1G9 i1 - . 3103 SRl = 392 101[110111 2332122331 7892932289 3X 1750 101 2031 26%2 4 1324 111 313 2502 g 3232 i 200 et - oy 3678 101 2031 52%¥8 8 348 101 2031 526T 9 4611 — e —— ¥ 4227 769 5573 IC9 ¢ 526T 2 6535 ? 6TaY a 747 10 7890 As in the last example above it is frequently a help to first work out the multiples of the divisor from 1 X to 10 X.(%) We form the successiv multiples by successivly adding the first (1) See Jules Tannery, Legons d’Arithmétique, p. 90, Paris, Armand Colin and Co., 1900,