SCALES OF NOTATION 45 103. We have the following corollary to the radix theorem. Th. Every positiv integer is a sum of powers of 2 (including the zeroth power of 2, which is 1).() Ex.1. 19=1+ 2+ 2¢ Ex.2. 31 =14 240820 3. 32=25 Ex.4. 33=1-42° 5 6, Ex. 5. Express as sums of powers of 2 the numbers 1, 2, 3, .-+, 16, 87, 96, 436, 783. QUANTICS 104. Def. If we have given a set of finite numbers ay, a1, s, +*+, Gn, Where 7 is some given positiv or zero integer, and suppose that x may represent any one of some set of finite numbers, then the set of values computed from the values of x by the formula anx"® + @px™t + oo+ ax? + a1x + ao, n+1 or Z (an_k+1xn—k+1) , k=1 is called a quantic. We sometimes speak of the expression itself as a quantic; AnX", GnaX™ L, 5a=—1a =0,a = 2,is obtaind from (*) See J. Bowden, The Russian Peasant Method of Multiplication, The Mathematics Teacher, Vol. V, No. 1, Sep. 1912,