SCALES OF NOTATION 41 99. If we consider only positiv or zero integers, the theorems of §§ 96, 97 give the following. Th. If a is any positiv or zero integer, 1, 13, 73, * * + an infinit series of integers all greater than 1, if g, where k = 1, is the exact or lower approximate quotient obtaind by dividing its prede- cessor in the series a, qi, @2, qs, *** by ri, if also ar—1 s the re- mainder corresponding to the quotient qi; then a quotient gnia, where n = 0, will be arrived at whose value is zero, this being the first quotient in case a = 0; if we stop the process of division as soon as we obtain a zero quotient, there is only one set of remainders, all positiv or zero and each less than its divisor; if a = 0, there is only one remainder, which is 0; if a —= 0, the last remainder a, is equal to q, and therfor not 2ero; finally, if for convenience we set ro = 1, n l a = Z {alH (rm)} =0 m=0 = qgro + a1ror1 + Qe orirs - asrorirars + < o o - anrorirers e - - 7a(Y) Example. 467 =1+4+2:-24+1:2X3+42X3X44+3-2X3X4X5 () G. Chrystal, l.c., p. 163.