SCALES OF NOTATION 31 Hence k l k+1 o= 2@l o) + gl () =0 m=0 m=0 which is the £ 4 1th in the series of statements. Therfor by mathematical induction the statements are all tru. If we do not wish to use the device that 7o = 1, the con- clusion of this theorem may be put in the form k ifk=1,a6=a+ g1l m=1 k-1 l k e {almrm)} L alie) =1 m=1 m=1 =1 m=1 k—1 1 The expression ) { a; IT (rm)} has no sense if & = 1. Again, the conclusion is a special case, the case when j = 1, of the statement i+k—2 Jk j+k—1 qi—1 = Z {al 1I (rm)} + Qj+r—1 II (T’m), provided ri—1 = 1; l=7—1 m=j—1 m=j—1 or, if we do not wish to use the device that ;_; = 1, j+k—1 if k=1, ¢j1 = aj1 + giyr1 11 (7m) m=j 7+k—2 l 7+k—1 ifk>1, =60+ % {azH (fm)} + g I (), =3 m=j m=j which may be proved in the same way. The conclusion of our theorem for the first three values of k gives the following results: putting £ = 1, we have ¢ = ¢y = a0 + g1 putting & = 2, a = ao.+ a1 + qnire putting & = 3, a = ag + a1 + aerirs + qarirers