28 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC Now suppose a is negativ. Then, if bis positiv, g is negativ and hence gb is negativ; if b is negativ, g is positiv and hence gb is negativ. § 83. Thus gb is negativ whether b is positiv or negativ. Hence |gb| = — gb Since a is negativ, |¢| = — a Since g is the upper quotient, gb > a Hence —gbh< —a And lgb| < |a] Since g is positiv or negativ, |g| is positiv. Hence, since 2 = |b], lg] X 2= |g]|]|b] Since |g| is positiv, 1= |g] Hence 14+ [g] = lg] + g Then 1+ [gl = lel + lgl = gl X 2= [g][p] = |gb] < |a] Therfor 14 |g| < |a] Hence, since [g| <1+ [g| and, asaisnegativ, |f| = 1 + |g] (§ 89), we have [f| < |a| and |g| < |a| Exs. —_ e NN o GENERALIZED DIVISION 91. Def. We are going to find it convenient now to gen- eralize our idea of division. Having given any three integers a, b, and g, if we subtract ¢b from a, we will say that we have