SCALES OF NOTATION 27 Therfor |g| — |f| = 1, whether b is positiv or negativ. Next, if a is negativ, f and g are both negativ or both positiv, according as b is positiv or negativ. § 83. Hence f = F |f| and g = F |g| according as b is positiv or negativ. Also g — f = = 1 according as b is positiv or negativ. § 76. Hence F |g| & |f| = & 1 according as b is positiv or negativ. Therfor |g| — |f| = — 1 whether b is positiv or negativ. Combining our two results, we have that [g| — |[f| = £ 1 according as a is positiv or negativ. 90. Th. If a->3b, 1 < |b| < |a|, and f and g are the lower and upper quotients obtaind when a is divided by b, then Ifl < la| and |g| < |al. Since 1 < |b], |b] is positiv. Hence b is positiv or negativ. Also, since 1 < |b], 2= |b] Since a —>% b, a is positiv or negativ. § 60. Suppose a is positiv. Then, if b is positiv, f is positiv and hence fb is positiv; if b is negativ, f is negativ and hence fb is positiv. § 83. Thus fb is positiv whether b is positiv or negativ. Hence |fb| = fb Since a is positiv, |a¢| = a Since f is the lower quotient, fo < a Hence /o] < |a| Since f is positiv or negativ, |f| is positiv. Hence, since 2 = |b], L% 2= 11 1D Since |f| is positiv, 1=0f Hence -+ [fE= TR AT Then 1+ Ifl = Ifl + Ifl = Ifl X2= [fl13] = |fb] < |a Therfor 14+ |f] < |al Hence, since |f| < 1 4+ |f| and, asais positiv, |g] =1+ |f] (§ 89), we have |f| < |a| and |g| < |a|