26 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC Exs. 88. Th. Ifa>>band 1< |b| < |a|, then 1+ |a:b| < |a| and |a :b| < |a] Since 1 < |b], 2= |b| Let ¢ = a : b, whence a = ¢b Since a = gb and 1 < |b| < |al, I3b, 1 < |b| < |a|, and f and g are the lower and upper quotients obtaind by dividing a by b, then lg| — |f] = == 1, according as a is positiv or negativ. For, if a is positiv, f and g are both positiv or both negativ according as b is positiv or negativ. § 83. Hence f = + |f| and g = =& |g| according as b is positiv or negativ. Alsog — f = =+ 1, according as b is positiv or negativ. § 76. Hence =+ |g| F |f| = % 1, according as b is positiv or negativ. (*) By § 501, Theory of Integers.