SCALES OF NOTATION 25 We have o] > r But Ifl > |b] Therfor [l >+ Thus the hypothesis of § 84 is satisfied and therfor the con- clusion follows. Exs. 86. Th. Ifb—= 0,a—>% b, g the upper quotient obtarnd when a is divided by b, s the corresponding negativ remainder, and lg| > |s|, then when a is divided by g, the upper quotient is b and s the corresponding remainder. Proof like that of § 84. Exs. 87. Th. If b—= 0, a->> b, g the upper quotient obtaind when a is divided by b, s the corresponding remainder, and lg| > |b|, then when a is divided by g, the upper quotient is b and s the corresponding remainder. Proof like that of § 85.