24 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC Thus @ — s is positiv or negativ according as a is positiv or negativ. Nowg=(a —5s):b Therfor, if @ and b are both positiv or both negativ, g is positiv; if either @ or b is positiv and the other negativ, g is negativ. The converse is proved by the method of exhaustion. Exs. 84. Th. Ifb—= 0,a—>> b, f the lower quotient oblaind when a is divided by b, r the corresponding positiv remainder, and | | > r, then when a is divided by f, the lower quotient is b and r the corresponding remainder. We have a=fb+r Hence a=0b +7r The theorem then follows from § 81. Exs. 85. Th. Ifb—= 0,a—->> b, f the lower quotient oblaind when a is divided by b, v the corresponding remainder, and |f| > [b], then when a is divided by f, the lower quotient is b and r the corresponding remainder.