22 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC 75. Def. The number fis called the lower approximate quo- tient, ¢ the upper approximate quotient when « is divided by b. These approximate quotients are found from @ and b by an operation that may be called approximate division to dis- tinguish it from the division mentioned in § 56, which may be called by contrast exact division, the quotient obtaind in exact division also being called exact. Thus when 25 is divided by 6, we find the lower quotient 4 and upper quotient 5; when — 25 is divided by — 6, we find the lower quotient 5 and upper quotient 4. 76. Th. In every case g — f = =% 1, according as b is positiv or negativ. 77. Def. 1If g is either an exact or lower or upper approxi- mate quotient, obtaind by dividing a by b, a — gb is called the remainder. 78. Th. The remainder corresponding to an exact quotient is zero, the remainder corresponding to a lower quotient is positiv, that corresponding to an upper quotient is negativ. Thus, when 24 is divided by 6, the quotient is 4 and the remainder is 24 — 4 X 6, which equals 0; when 25 is divided by 6, the remainder corresponding to the lower quotient 4 is 25 — 4 X 6, which is positiv, the remainder corresponding to the upper quotient 5 is 25 — 5 X 6, which is negativ. 79. Th. When a is approximately divided by b, the sum of the numerical values of the positiv and negativ remainders is equal to the numerical value of b. 80. Th. When a is approximately divided by b, both re- mainders are numerically less than b. 81. Th. Ifa=qb+ rand |r| < |b|; then, if r = 0, q is the exact quotient of a divided by b; if r is positiv, q is the lower approximate quotient; if v is negativ, q is the upper approximate quotient; in each case r is the corresponding remainder.