SCALES OF NOTATION 19 48. Th. If either a or b is positiv and the other negativ, la + 8| < la| + [8].() Forexample, |7+ — 3| = |4| =4<74+3=|7| + | — 3| 49. Th. |a +b| Z |a| + |b] This is got by combining §§ 47, 48. 50. Th. |la+b+4+c+ ---| Z |le| + [b] + |c| + - In words: The numerical value of the sum of any number of integers is equal to or less than (not greater than) the sum of their numerical values. 51. Th. If none of the integers a, b, c, - -+ is negativ or none of them s positiv, 6.+ b+ aden oo fnl o WS ohff o 52. Th. If at least one of the integers a, b, c, is positiv and at least one negativ, o + b a4 oo