CHAPTER II SCALES OF NOTATION 42. In this chapter and the next we will find it convenient to make use of certain ideas of arithmetic with which the reader may not be familiar. So we will take a few pages here to give a brief outline of the corresponding theories. () In the following pages, unless otherwise stated, the letters @, b, ¢, --- will be used to denote integers, positiv, zero, or negativ. Thus ¢ may stand for 4, or 0, or — 5. NUMERICAL VALUE 43. Def. |a| is called the numerical, arithmetical, or abso- lute value of @, and stands for « itself, if @ is either positiv or zero, but for — a, if @ is negativ. Thus [6] = 6, [0] =0, |— 3| = 3. 44. Th. If a is negativ or zero, |a| = — a. For — 0 = 0. 45. Th. The numerical value of a positiv or negativ integer 1s positiv; the numerical value of a zero integer is zero; the numeri- cal value of an integer is never negativ. This theorem follows easily from the definition. 46. Th. If a lies between — b and b, that is, if either —b