SERIES AND MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION 11 Th.. We will prove that S, = n(n + 1)/2 for all values of n, that is, that the series of statements B =20 % 213 e w B W Sa = n(n + 1)/2 are all tru. The first of these statements is evidently tru. Suppose that the kth is tru, that is, that Sy = k=12 Then Sia = S+ i1 = k(e + 1)/2 +:(R+ 1) = (k+ 1)(k + 2)/2 Thus Ses=Abhtitbad So the kth statement in the series implies the 2 + 1th. Hence the statements are all tru. This proves that the sum of the first n natural numbers is n(n + 1)/2. 31. Next consider the series of even numbers 2’4y 6: 87 5P 2y whose nth term is 27. Here S, =2+44+6+ - +2n=2(14+2+4+34--- +n) But14+24+3+ - +n=mnn+1)/2 Hence 2(1 +2 43+ -+ + n) = n(n + 1) Th. Therfor the sum of the first n even numbers starting with 21is n(n + 1). 32. Consider the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, ---, the nth of which is 2z — 1. Here S, 14+34+54+---4+@2n—1) 2= %@ —1)4(6 1)+ vk ln =11) 2+44+64+---+2n) —(1+4+14+1+ .- ntimes) nin+1) —n =n i