TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I SERIES AND MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION ARTICLE PAGE 1. Not. And. Or. Implies. Equals. 2. Principle of mathematical induction . 1 4. Series, progression. Terms : : . . : 2 2 5. Finite. Infinit . . . . S : 2 ; : 2 2 6. Subscripts . . 2 9. Function . : 3 3 3 15, 19. Arithmetic series, ar1thmet1c progression. Common dif- ference . 1 ’ : y ; ! : - 2550 20. Common decrement . 8 . . . 6 21, 24. Geometric progression. Common ratio . : : S 24. Common divisor 2 ; g z : ; . : : 8 25. Harmonic progression 8 27. Series of sums. 'Summation 2 : : : : 9 39. Multiplication of the terms of a series. Series of products . 15 CHAPTER 11 ScALES OF NOTATION 43. Numerical, arithmetical, absolute value . 3 ; 2 e 54. Is divisible by, is a multiple of. Quotient ; : 2 s i 55. Is a divisor, or factor, of . . 3 e : 2 : L 20 56. Division . . . 2y 75. Lower and upper approxxmate quotlents approx1mate d1v1510n Exact division, exact quotient . ; . . ; =t 77. Remainder. : B r . : . ; ; 2 91. Generalized division . : 3 : : . . 3 il 92. Digits ; ; ‘ : ; g . z ; . =3 102. Radix theorem . : . : . . . : : . 44 104. Quantic. Function . : . : z : : 5 45, 46 106. Radix notation. Radix, base . ; : : At . 46 108. Hindu-Arabic notation . : . ; ; : ! AT 109. Binary, ternary, etc., scales ; 2 3 : : ; i A 123. Change of scale. . a : . : 3 : : 90 ix