T TR IR TN R T L R e en——— T T Ay T T T e ST ARCUr g 19 Some of Our Other Publications The Foundations of the Articles of Faith Translated by Dr. Nabih Amin Faris It is the English translation with notes of the Kitgb Qawa’id al-‘Aqa’id of Al-Ghazzali’s ““lhya Ulum al-Din’é.OO Rs. 8. The Book of Knowledge Translated by Dr. Nabih Amin Faris This is the translation of Kitab al-‘Ilm of Al-Ghazzali’s “Ihya Ulum al-Din”. Rs. 15.00 Some Moral and Religious Teachings of Al-Ghazzali By Syed Nawab Ali The book, besides giving the reader a correct idea of Ghazzali’s approach to various religious questions, will also arouse interest of the reader to study Ghazzali’s works more intimately and at first hand. His approach is always the lifting of the veil from the eyes of the heart so as to see the mysterious relation between man and his Maker and to be filled with a sense of awe and reverence in the presence of an Omniscient Holy Being Who pervades the universe. Rs. 3.00 The Confessions of Al-Ghazzali By Claud Field This little book comes as a valuable addition to the books published in the series of literature on Ghazzali. Rs. 2.00 The Alchemy of Happiness By Claud Field It is an abridgment of Al-Ghazzali’s famous work Ihya Ulum al-Din and contains eight sections of that abridg- ment. Rs. 3.00 Mishkat Al-Anwar (The Niche for Lights) Translated by W.H.T. Gairdner This is a work of extreme interest from the view point of Al-Ghazzali’s inner life and esoteric thought. The glimp- ses it gives are that life and thought are remarkably, per- haps uniquely, intimate. Rs. 3.75