GLOSSARY 163 Cf. this verse from the Quran: *‘And they will question thee on the subject of the spirit; say to them: the spirit (comes from) the command (amr) of my Lord ...”” (XVII, 84). Christ is called Riis Allah, <“Spirit of God.”” See also Amr. ru’yah : vision; in its precise meaning designates formal vision, belonging to the bodily or psychic world ; by an extension of the symbolism it can designate any contemplation, even beyond the level of form. Ruw’yat al-qalb : “‘vision of the heart,” spiritual intuition. Sahl at-Tustari, Abu Muhammad, 818-896, a famous theologian and Sufi of Tustar in the Ahwaz, whose “Thousand Say- ings’’ were collected by his disciples. as-Sakinah: the Divine Peace which dwells in a sanctuary or in the heart. The root SKN includes the meanings of immobi- lity (sukiin) and of habitation. The word is analogousto the Hebrew Shekina, (the Divine Glory dwelling in the ark of the Covenant). Cf this verse from the Quran: *‘Itis He who makes the Sakinah descend into the hearts of the be- lievers that they may acquire a new faith as well as their faith . . .” (XLVILI, 4). as sama‘ : audition, hearing ; also designates sessions of spiritual music. Seyidnd ‘Isa: “Our Lord Jesus.” shahadah: testimony, and in particular the testimony that ““there is no divinity but The Divinity.” shari‘ah: the Sacred, Revealed Law. Every Divine Messenger (rasiil) brings a new shari‘ah, according with the cyclic and human conditions. Shari‘ahis opposed to Hagigah,i e., the Sacred Law to the Divine Truth or Reality; the Sacred Laws are different one from apother, but their Divine Reality is always the same. ash-Shuhiid : Consciousness, the quality of witnessing. as-silsilak © the chain ; in Sufism denote the continuity of spiritual descent from the Prophet.