158 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE Jalil-ad-din Rami: 1207-1273; a famous Sufi of Konya ; found- i ed the Mevlevi order of “ whirling dervishes.”” Composed : the well-known poem, the Mathnawi, in Persian, which contains his whole doctrine. al-jam‘: synthesis, union, unitive consciousness ; the opposite is al farq. al-Jami, Nir-ad-din ‘Abd ar-Rahman: Persian Sufi, author of the treatise Lawaih, ‘‘Flashes.”” Died in 898 A.H. al-jihad al asghar : the lesser holy war, i.e., the external holy war against infidels. al-jihad al-akbar : the greater holy war, i.e., the inward holy war against passions and ignorance. On returning from a cam- paign against the infidels the Prophet said : ““We have come back from the lesser holy war to the greater holy war.” al-jinnah or al-jinn: the genii: subtle beings belonging to the world of forms. al-Junayd, Abu-1-Qasim, ob. 910, famous master of Sufism, named “the leader of the troop.” karb : tautening, distress; opposed to ranfis (dilation, consola- tion), a word derived from naffasa, (q. v.). Before they are ““dilated” in a distinctive mode the possibilities of manifes- tation are in a state of ‘“‘contraction” when considered from the point of view of their later development, though not in their immutable reality. al-kashf: intuition ; literally : “‘the raising of a curtain or veil. al-kawnu insanun kabirun wa-Il-insanu kawnun saghir : “The universe (or, the cosmos) is a big man and man is a little universe (or, cosmos).” Sufi saying. khalwa : seclusion, spiritual retreat. khatim or khatam, seal: khatim-al-Wilayah : “The seal of Sanc- tity”’ ; khatim an-Nubuwwah: “The seal of Prophecy.” The former expression is often related to Christ at his second coming, the latter always refers to Muhammad. al-kimiya as-sa‘dah: ‘‘the alchemy of bliss”, the title of a book