GLOSSARY 157 29 Divine Aseity or Ipseity, the Supreme *“ Self. Ibn ‘Ata’iillah al-Iskandari: ob. 1309, of Shadhiliyah order, author of well known Sufi apothegms al-Hikam. Ibrahim ibn Adham: famous Sufi of 8th century, a native of Balkh. al-ihsan: sanctifying virtue, spiritual beauty. Note the funda- mental triad; al-islam (abandonment to the Divine Will), al-iman (faith) and al-ihsan, on which the Prophet com- mented in the famous hadith of Jibril. Ihya-‘ulim ad-din : *“ The Vivification of the Sciences of Religion”’; title of a work of Al-Ghazali. ijad: bringing to existence (Wujiid) ; lit. “‘existentiation.” al-ikhlds . sincerity, purity of intention. imam: model, prototype ; in relation to ritual : he who presides when a number pray together; head of a religious com- munity. al-‘imdrah: technical term for collective dhikr accompanied by dancing ; see also al-hadrah. al-Insan al-kamil : ** the perfect man ”’ or *‘ the universal man?’: Sufi term for one who has realised all levels of Being ; also designates the permanent prototype of man. al-isharah: allusion, symbolism. al-isti‘dad: predisposition, aptitude, preparation for receiving, virtuality. al-ittisaf bis-Sifat al-ildhiyah, * assimilation of (or : to) the Divine Qualities,”” See also Sifat. al-Jabariit: the world of the Divine Omnipotence or Immensity. See also ‘@lam al-Jabariit and Hahiit. Jabra’il Jibril, Jabril or Jabra’il : the archangel Gabriel. al-jadhb : the divine attraction, or ‘‘fascination,”’ which enters to a greater or lesser degree into every spiritual process. It is an aspect of grace. See also majdhib. al-Jalal: the Divine Rigour, awe-inspiring Majesty.