156 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE case the former is considered as a passing thing and the latter as something stable. al-Hagigah : the truth, reality ; in Sufism, the Divine Truth or Reality, the essential reality of a thing. Cf. this saying of the Prophet: likulli dhi haqqin hagiqah, * to every real thing there corresponds a Divine Reality (or, Truth).” Hagiqat haqa’ig: ‘‘The Truth of truths,” or, * The Reality of realities,’”” an analogue of the Logos ; it is looked on as an ““isthmus ** (barzakh) that cannot be grasped, intermediate between the Divine Being and the cosmos. al-Haqq: Truth or Reality; in Sufism designates the Divinity as distinguished from the creature (al-khalg V. sup. al- Hagiqah. haykal : temple, bodily form. hayawan natiq: animal endowed with speech: classical definition of man as compared with the other animal species. al-haybah: reverential fear, terror in face of the Divine Majesty. al-Hayila: arabicised form of Greek Hyle; the Materia prima; analogue of al-Haba, especially in its secondary and cosmic aspect. hijab: veil, curtain. The Prophet said that God hides Himself by seventy thousand curtains of light and of darkness. In Sufism a person is called ‘““veiled’’ (mahjiib) whose con- sciousness is determined by passion, whether sensual or mental, so that he does not perceive the Divine Light in the heart. According to this mode of expression it is man and not God who is covered by a veil or curtain. al-himmah: the force of decision, spiritual aspiration. al-hiss: the faculty of sensation, the domain of the senses. al-hukm: Judgment, the faculty of judging. From same root as hikmat, wisdom. al-huriif: plural of harf: the letters of the Arabic alphabet and so the sounds which they represent. al-Huwiyah : word derived from the pronoun Huwa (He): the