GLOSSARY 155 al-ghayb : the hidden, the mystery, the unmanifest. al-ghayrah: zeal, jealousy. It is said that God is * jealous” in the sense that He does not tolerate any other divinity being ¢“ associated >’ with Him. al-Ghazali, Abi Hamid Muhammad: a great Sufi theologian and a reviver of the religious sciences of Islam. 1058-1111. al-Haba: lit. * the fine dust suspended in the air’’; Materia prima, the passive universal Substance. al-Hadarat : plural of Hadrah: the (divine) Presences, or the modes of Divine Presence in contemplation. hadith: saying of the Prophet transmitted outside the Quran through a chain of known intermediaries. There are two kinds of ahadith: hadith qudsi (sacred sentence), a direct revelation, in which God speaks in the first person by the mouth of the Prophet, and fhadith natawi (prophetic sen- tence), an indirect revelation in which the Prophet speaks as himself. al-hadrah: the (divine) Presence; also designates collective in- vocation accompanied by dancing. See also al-‘imarah. al-hafz: memory, in the sense of faculty of retaining an impres- sion. al-Hahiit : The Essential Nature of God ; word derived from the Divine Name Huwa, ‘“He,” and formed by analogy with the following terms, here given in descending hierarchical order :(— al-Lahut : the Divine (creative) Nature, al-Jabarit: the Divine Power or Immensity, the world beyond form. al-Malakiit : the Kingdom of the angels, the spirit- ual world. al-Nasut : human nature, and in particular man’s bodily form. al-hal : plural ahwal: state, spiritual state. Sometimes jal (state) is opposed to magam (spiritual station), and in this