GLOSSARY 153 qawa ; died in Morocco in 1823. al-‘arif: the knower, the gnostic; see also ma‘rifah. asma’ dhatiyah: Names of the Essence; these are the Divine Names where there is no analogy with the creature. asma’ Sifatiyah: qualitative Names; Names designating Divine Qualities. al-‘ayn: the essence, the first determination, the eye, the spring; al-‘ayn ath-thabitah, or sometimes simply al-‘ayn: the im- mutable essence, the archetype or the principial possibility of a being or a thing (plural: al-a‘yan). ‘ayn al-qalb: the eye of the heart, the organ of intellectual intuition, baga: subsistence, duration; in Sufism designates the spiritual state of subsistence beyond all form, that is the state of reintegration in the Spirit, or even in Pure Being; also means the Divine Eternity. Its opposite is fang, q. v. barakah: al-barakah: the blessing, the spiritual influence. Sheikh al-barakah is a phrase also used of a master who bears the spiritual influence of the Prophet or who has realised that spiritual presence, which is only a virtuality in the case of most initiates. al-barzakh: the isthmus; symbol of an intermediate state or of a mediating principle. batin: inner, hidden; the opposite of zahir, q. v. The * inner learning” (al-‘ilm al-batin), which means esoteric or Sufic learning, is distinguished from the *“‘outer learning” (al-‘ilm az-zahir) of the Doctors of the Law. A/-Batin, *The Inner,” is one of the Names of God in the Quran. al-bay‘ah: the pact; in the spiritual order means the rite of initiation ; in the temporal order, the investiture of a sovereign. Al-Biruni, Aba Raihiin: a learned Persian of the tenth century ; wrote a famous book on the Hindu civilisation. See Alberuni’s India edited by E. C. Sachau, Trubner’s Oriental Series.