CONTEMPLATION, ACCORDING TO IBN ARABI 145 evident that this global picture of things is quite uncon- nected- with any psychological, or even with any al- chemical or mystical explanation. It has no other purpose than that of providing an intellectual key which can help man to pass beyond the antithesis of subject and object. Considered in this way the “‘predisposition of the heart,” or its aptness to receive a particular divine reve- lation, is not merely psychological. None the less it has a certain psychological aspect which is like the shadow of what it is in its essence. One can retrospec- tively grasp certain modes of the predisposition ; one can get a glimpse of it by the aid of symbols ; but these are only imperfect perceptions.! As a whole it must always elude the grasp of one’s consciousness. The “predisposition” can only directly be known through its intellectual integration into the archetype,? an in- tegration which is outside any created order. ... For it is clearly beyond the faculties of the creature as such . to know with Divine Knowledge which embraces the archetypes (al-a‘yan ath-thabitah) in their unmanifest state, these archetypes being only pure relationships (within) the Essence and without form ... (Thus direct knowledge of the basic predisposition of a being is only possible through its participation in the Divine Know- ledge), a participation which represents predestined divine aid to this being ... by virtue of a certain con- 1. These perceptions are not unrelated to what Buddhism describes as recollection of existences preceding the individual’s earthly life. 2. Principially speaking potentiality is reducible to possibility, which is itself permanent, and not potential, in the Divine Intellect, 10